

Hey there, my name is Paul, I’m a PhD student at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the field of Biogeochemistry.

My research is focused around the impacts of climate change on the community level. The group I’m part of is known for large in situ mesocosm studies, for which we created gigantic “test tubes” that we can throw into the ocean and enclose thousands of litres of seawater together with the inhabiting natural plankton community. This allows us to test future climate scenarios under close-to natural conditions.

I’m a strong advocate for transparency in science and like to share my research with a broad audience. After all, we want to show the impacts a changing climate can have on the community level and get our results across to everybody, instead of preaching to the converted.

I will be posting summaries of our experiments, as well as some short blogs occasionally. Feel free to subscribe and get notified whenever new content is put up here.

Curriculum vitae


F.Melzner, P.Stange, K.Trübenbach, J.Thomsen, I.Casties, U.Panknin, S.N Gorb, M.A Gutowska (2011): Food supply and seawater pCO2 impact calcification and internal shell dissolution in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis

Work experience
2014 – now
PhD candidate in the group of Ulf Riebesell, working on the effects of community structure changes on export efficiencies.
Masterthesis on the effects of ocean acidification and warming on two overwintering Arctic copepod species.
2010 – 2011
Study exchange with the Ocean University of China (Qingdao) for one year.

Bachelorthesis on the effects of food supply and seawater pCO2 on calcification and internal shell dissolution in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis